The last couple of weeks have been a difficult couple of weeks for one reason: fresh honey. And fresh honey requires nummy toast. And I haven't been eating toast because of my gluten-free diet. It has been a sad couple of weeks. So, yesterday, I went to the local food co-op determined to find some more gluten-free products. In the freezer section, I found a section with gluten-free bread... What kind should I pick? There were 6 different flavors from 3 different brands.... So I did a little eeny-meeny-miney-mo and Rudi's Sandwich Bread was the winner. The bread slices looked REALLY small, but so did the rest of the bread. I went along and finished my shopping (which included tons of different new flours... I'm so excited!). I got home, put the kids down for a nap, and myself down for a nap (which I wish I was doing right now!!). When I got up from the nap, I remembered the bread. It was perfectly thawed, so I threw a piece in the toaster, and set about making myself some peanut butter and honey for the top... Oh my! The toast came out of the toaster, got slathered with some butter, and then the peanut butter honey. Perfection!! I was so afraid it was going to be something better off used to feed the pooch, but it was really good!! John even liked it! So next time you're shopping for gluten-free bread... Rudi's is really great!! I even made a sandwich from it today and still pretty darn good!
Sounds Delicious!! Glad you found some yummy bread! =0)