Friday, February 19, 2010

The new cloth diapers...

When Nate was a baby, I had every intention of cloth diapering him. All I knew about though was the standard prefolds. They had great velcro covers, but I was pretty much clueless. I had no idea what I was doing. That was only 2 years ago. I cloth diapered him for about a month off and on, just folding the diapers in the covers. No pins. I was not impressed. When he was almost 2, we did another jaunt with cloth diapers, only this time, I went way old-fashioned... with diaper pins and rubber pants. I actually liked this better. At least the diaper stayed in place. Then I found out I was pregnant again...

I really wanted to be able to do cloth diapers again. But I was really turned off by the prefolds and covers. Luckily, I found a forum all about cloth diapers on Fertility Friend. It made it so much easier for me to understand! As I read, I learned a lot of things I did wrong. What, you aren't supposed to put in dryer sheets? You aren't supposed to use that detergent? I also learned about the new and improved generation of diapers. Pocket diapers, all-in-ones (AIO), all-in-twos (AI2), and fitted diapers. PUL, wool, and fleece covers. Most didn't even use covers. I also found patterns for diapers. This was right up my alley. I ordered a bunch of fabric and off I went. I made a ton of pocket fitted diapers. I made a bunch of pocket diapers. I made inserts. I knitted wool soakers and longies. I made recycled wool soakers. It was awesome. Then the baby came...

For the first 2 months, I was overwhelmed with recovering and adjusting to the new baby. So sposies it was. But when he was 2 months old, I started pulling out the cloth. I LOVED it! I learned what I liked (BumGenius 3.0 one-size (BGOS), hemp fitted diapers at night with a Bummis or Motherease cover), what I could live with (my homemade fitted pockets, wool, and Fuzzibunz one-size), and things I couldn't stand (some diaper covers). My stash now consists mostly of BGOS, hemp fitted diapers, toddler prefolds, and hemp prefolds. I love my Motherease and Bummis wraps. I actually like doing diaper laundry now too. Especially after I discovered Rockin' Green detergent. I was washing in a regular detergent and my microfiber inserts were getting majorly funky smelling. They smelled like really strong iron. I could get rid of it if I stripped them every other time I washed them and if I washed them with baking soda. It was getting to be very exhausting and using a lot of water. Then I decided to try Rockin' Green. I "Rocked the Soak" the day I received my sample in the mail. I used the Cherry Lemonade scent. It worked great!! My inserts started absorbing more and the best part of all is that they didn't stink anymore!!! I used the Rockin' Green from then on until I ran out of my sample. I was debating whether to order more. I didn't want to spend that much money. So I went back to my other detergent. Within 2 washes, my inserts reeked again. *sigh* I ordered a big bag of Rockin' Green this time and just got it today. I got unscented this time and am going to "rock the soak" tomorrow. Who'd a thunk I'd like washing diapers?

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